Dr. Scott Miller Named Top Doctor by Atlanta Magazine
Dr. Scott Miller—urologist and pioneering robotic prostate…

Dr. Miller discusses study showing prostate cancer screening lags
When the news broke earlier this week about two studies in the…

Man vs. Prostate
The prostate is a walnut-size organ that resides below a…

The End
How often do you think about the end? You should. Every day.…

Are You A Spork? – How To Reexamine Your Priorities
Some of you may be asking, “What is a spork?” You have probably…

Bruce Almighty
You may recall the Jim Carrey movie, Bruce Almighty, in which…

That little three letter word often used on Halloween. This year…

Success Is A Series Of Failures
When I first learned how to drive, I felt very comfortable with…

How To Beat Cancer
In my 20 years of practicing medicine, I have seen nothing short…

A Slip of the Tongue – A Lesson On Patient Privacy
When it comes to patient privacy, I am a stickler.…

Saturday, June 18: A Great Day to Have Fun and Give Back
There are many reasons why I’m proud of my associations with…

A Patient Turns the Table
We often talk about the doctor-patient relationship and the importance…

The Internet Is Always Right
The Internet is always right, except on April 1st. At least that’s…

Unintended Consequences
I love analogies, especially when they drive a point home. When…

Heaven is a Better Place
Last month, the world lost a great man. Joe Blumberg succumbed…

Here to Serve
I recently went to a social event and sat next to an incredibly…

I Have Some Bad News
I love my job. I love talking with people and hearing about their…

Life Is Like A Roll of Toilet Paper
Up until his retirement, I always enjoyed Andy Rooney’s weekly…

The Other End of the Scalpel
Having treated thousands of patients, I have developed a great…

Love In An Elevator
I love hearing stories about how couples meet. One couple in…

Learn From The Winners
I was recently on vacation and struck up a conversation with…

Know How To Say “No”
I never did like the word “no.” I try to avoid using it…

Life vs. Health Insurance
The other day I was looking at my auto insurance bill and noticed…

Moderation In Moderation
I believe Oscar Wilde was the first to be credited with the saying,…

A Letter To My Daughter
As a physician, I am entrusted with the future well-being of…

The Body Is Like Traffic
I love Atlanta, but I could do fine without the traffic. Recently…

One Mistake is OK
Last week I attended a book festival lecture by best-selling…

Are We There Yet?
As a parent, I am very familiar with the question, “Are we…

A Standout Thank You
During a recent consultation, a patient thanked me for accepting…

Just One Ball
I love my job, but there is nothing fun about giving a patient…

It’s OK To Be Lazy
One of my patients – who happens to be a brilliant businessman…

A Resolution That I Can Keep
The New Year is always a great time for making a resolution,…

How Do You Measure Experience?
Medical providers – whether hospitals or physicians – constantly…

Disconnect to Connect
On occasion, I’ve had times when my family and I were all using…

Serenity Before Severity
I have always believed that good comes out of everything –…

Leading By Example
Having been a parent for 18 years, I have given my children a…

Giving Can Be Selfish
Recently, I read an article criticizing a potato chip company…

Patients Can be the Best Teachers
In medical school, I was often faced with complex patients and…

Gambling Is Human Nature
When my children were young, I did my best to hold firm when…

The Problem with Protocols
Back when I was in medical school, the university hospital developed…

Avoiding Healthcare Landmines
Whether or not you like surprises, one thing is certain – nobody…