What is Urodynamic Testing?

Urodynamic tests are performed to evaluate the bladder and how the urethra processes urine. Patients who are unable to urinate consistently, who urinate too frequently, who have painful urination, or who have the urge to urinate but can’t do so are often good candidates for urodynamic testing. People who have urinary tract infections regularly may also need urodynamic testing to determine why the infections are happening.

How Testing Can Gauge Urology Health

Urodynamic testing is an excellent way to gauge urology health because the tests show the doctor exactly how the urinary tract is functioning. The tests yield valuable information including bladder capacity and pressure levels in the bladder. Urodynamic tests can also reveal previously unknown blockages or other issues that are causing issues. In short, urodynamic testing is the best possible way to show the doctor exactly what you’re going through.

Different Types of Urodynamic Testing

There are several different types of urodynamic testing. Some of the most common include:

  • Uroflowmetry: A urine volume and speed evaluation. The urine is caught in a special device and immediately evaluated by a computer.
  • Postvoid Residual Test: An ultrasound test that reveals the inner bladder. It shows how much urine is left behind after each urination.
  • Cystometric Test: This test uses a catheter to calculate the bladder capacity, the level of pressure within the bladder, and exactly when the need to urinate starts.

Some patients may need additional tests depending upon their symptoms or the bladder response to the cystometric testing. These tests include leak point pressure management tests and pressure flow studies.

What to Expect After Urology Testing

The urology tests may take as little as half an hour, but the time required depends on the number of tests needed and on the individual patient. After urology testing, patients can typically resume their regular routine right away. Patients will not have discomfort or pain, so there is no downtime required.

If you’re having problems with frequent urination, the inability to urinate, or other urinary tract issues, Dr. Scott D. Miller can help. Call (404) 705-5201 or visit here to set up a consultation appointment today.